Package pyhook :: Module HookManager
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Source Code for Module pyhook.HookManager

  1  import cpyHook 
3 -def GetKeyState(key_id):
4 return cpyHook.cGetKeyState(key_id)
6 -class HookConstants:
7 ''' 8 Stores internal windows hook constants including hook types, mappings from virtual 9 keycode name to value and value to name, and event type value to name. 10 ''' 11 WH_MIN = -1 12 WH_MSGFILTER = -1 13 WH_JOURNALRECORD = 0 14 WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK = 1 15 WH_KEYBOARD = 2 16 WH_GETMESSAGE = 3 17 WH_CALLWNDPROC = 4 18 WH_CBT = 5 19 WH_SYSMSGFILTER = 6 20 WH_MOUSE = 7 21 WH_HARDWARE = 8 22 WH_DEBUG = 9 23 WH_SHELL = 10 24 WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE = 11 25 WH_CALLWNDPROCRET = 12 26 WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13 27 WH_MOUSE_LL = 14 28 WH_MAX = 15 29 30 WM_MOUSEFIRST = 0x0200 31 WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200 32 WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201 33 WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202 34 WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203 35 WM_RBUTTONDOWN =0x0204 36 WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205 37 WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206 38 WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207 39 WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208 40 WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209 41 WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A 42 WM_MOUSELAST = 0x020A 43 44 WM_KEYFIRST = 0x0100 45 WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100 46 WM_KEYUP = 0x0101 47 WM_CHAR = 0x0102 48 WM_DEADCHAR = 0x0103 49 WM_SYSKEYDOWN = 0x0104 50 WM_SYSKEYUP = 0x0105 51 WM_SYSCHAR = 0x0106 52 WM_SYSDEADCHAR = 0x0107 53 WM_KEYLAST = 0x0108 54 55 56 #VK_0 thru VK_9 are the same as ASCII '0' thru '9' (0x30 -' : 0x39) 57 #VK_A thru VK_Z are the same as ASCII 'A' thru 'Z' (0x41 -' : 0x5A) 58 59 #virtual keycode constant names to virtual keycodes numerical id 60 vk_to_id = {'VK_LBUTTON' : 0x01, 'VK_RBUTTON' : 0x02, 'VK_CANCEL' : 0x03, 'VK_MBUTTON' : 0x04, 61 'VK_BACK' : 0x08, 'VK_TAB' : 0x09, 'VK_CLEAR' : 0x0C, 'VK_RETURN' : 0x0D, 'VK_SHIFT' : 0x10, 62 'VK_CONTROL' : 0x11, 'VK_MENU' : 0x12, 'VK_PAUSE' : 0x13, 'VK_CAPITAL' : 0x14, 'VK_KANA' : 0x15, 63 'VK_HANGEUL' : 0x15, 'VK_HANGUL' : 0x15, 'VK_JUNJA' : 0x17, 'VK_FINAL' : 0x18, 'VK_HANJA' : 0x19, 64 'VK_KANJI' : 0x19, 'VK_ESCAPE' : 0x1B, 'VK_CONVERT' : 0x1C, 'VK_NONCONVERT' : 0x1D, 'VK_ACCEPT' : 0x1E, 65 'VK_MODECHANGE' : 0x1F, 'VK_SPACE' : 0x20, 'VK_PRIOR' : 0x21, 'VK_NEXT' : 0x22, 'VK_END' : 0x23, 66 'VK_HOME' : 0x24, 'VK_LEFT' : 0x25, 'VK_UP' : 0x26, 'VK_RIGHT' : 0x27, 'VK_DOWN' : 0x28, 67 'VK_SELECT' : 0x29, 'VK_PRINT' : 0x2A, 'VK_EXECUTE' : 0x2B, 'VK_SNAPSHOT' : 0x2C, 'VK_INSERT' : 0x2D, 68 'VK_DELETE' : 0x2E, 'VK_HELP' : 0x2F, 'VK_LWIN' : 0x5B, 'VK_RWIN' : 0x5C, 'VK_APPS' : 0x5D, 69 'VK_NUMPAD0' : 0x60, 'VK_NUMPAD1' : 0x61, 'VK_NUMPAD2' : 0x62, 'VK_NUMPAD3' : 0x63, 'VK_NUMPAD4' : 0x64, 70 'VK_NUMPAD5' : 0x65, 'VK_NUMPAD6' : 0x66, 'VK_NUMPAD7' : 0x67, 'VK_NUMPAD8' : 0x68, 'VK_NUMPAD9' : 0x69, 71 'VK_MULTIPLY' : 0x6A, 'VK_ADD' : 0x6B, 'VK_SEPARATOR' : 0x6C, 'VK_SUBTRACT' : 0x6D, 'VK_DECIMAL' : 0x6E, 72 'VK_DIVIDE' : 0x6F ,'VK_F1' : 0x70, 'VK_F2' : 0x71, 'VK_F3' : 0x72, 'VK_F4' : 0x73, 'VK_F5' : 0x74, 73 'VK_F6' : 0x75, 'VK_F7' : 0x76, 'VK_F8' : 0x77, 'VK_F9' : 0x78, 'VK_F10' : 0x79, 'VK_F11' : 0x7A, 74 'VK_F12' : 0x7B, 'VK_F13' : 0x7C, 'VK_F14' : 0x7D, 'VK_F15' : 0x7E, 'VK_F16' : 0x7F, 'VK_F17' : 0x80, 75 'VK_F18' : 0x81, 'VK_F19' : 0x82, 'VK_F20' : 0x83, 'VK_F21' : 0x84, 'VK_F22' : 0x85, 'VK_F23' : 0x86, 76 'VK_F24' : 0x87, 'VK_NUMLOCK' : 0x90, 'VK_SCROLL' : 0x91, 'VK_LSHIFT' : 0xA0, 'VK_RSHIFT' : 0xA1, 77 'VK_LCONTROL' : 0xA2, 'VK_RCONTROL' : 0xA3, 'VK_LMENU' : 0xA4, 'VK_RMENU' : 0xA5, 'VK_PROCESSKEY' : 0xE5, 78 'VK_ATTN' : 0xF6, 'VK_CRSEL' : 0xF7, 'VK_EXSEL' : 0xF8, 'VK_EREOF' : 0xF9, 'VK_PLAY' : 0xFA, 79 'VK_ZOOM' : 0xFB, 'VK_NONAME' : 0xFC, 'VK_PA1' : 0xFD, 'VK_OEM_CLEAR' : 0xFE, 'VK_BROWSER_BACK' : 0xA6, 80 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD' : 0xA7, 'VK_BROWSER_REFRESH' : 0xA8, 'VK_BROWSER_STOP' : 0xA9, 'VK_BROWSER_SEARCH' : 0xAA, 81 'VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES' : 0xAB, 'VK_BROWSER_HOME' : 0xAC, 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE' : 0xAD, 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN' : 0xAE, 82 'VK_VOLUME_UP' : 0xAF, 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK' : 0xB0, 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK' : 0xB1, 'VK_MEDIA_STOP' : 0xB2, 83 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE' : 0xB3, 'VK_LAUNCH_MAIL' : 0xB4, 'VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT' : 0xB5, 'VK_LAUNCH_APP1' : 0xB6, 84 'VK_LAUNCH_APP2' : 0xB7, 'VK_OEM_1' : 0xBA, 'VK_OEM_PLUS' : 0xBB, 'VK_OEM_COMMA' : 0xBC, 'VK_OEM_MINUS' : 0xBD, 85 'VK_OEM_PERIOD' : 0xBE, 'VK_OEM_2' : 0xBF, 'VK_OEM_3' : 0xC0, 'VK_OEM_4' : 0xDB, 'VK_OEM_5' : 0xDC, 86 'VK_OEM_6' : 0xDD, 'VK_OEM_7' : 0xDE, 'VK_OEM_8' : 0xDF, 'VK_OEM_102' : 0xE2, 'VK_PROCESSKEY' : 0xE5, 87 'VK_PACKET' : 0xE7} 88 89 #inverse mapping of keycodes 90 id_to_vk = dict([(v,k) for k,v in vk_to_id.items()]) 91 92 #message constants to message names 93 msg_to_name = {WM_MOUSEMOVE : 'mouse move', WM_LBUTTONDOWN : 'mouse left down', 94 WM_LBUTTONUP : 'mouse left up', WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : 'mouse left double', 95 WM_RBUTTONDOWN : 'mouse right down', WM_RBUTTONUP : 'mouse right up', 96 WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK : 'mouse right double', WM_MBUTTONDOWN : 'mouse middle down', 97 WM_MBUTTONUP : 'mouse middle up', WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK : 'mouse middle double', 98 WM_MOUSEWHEEL : 'mouse wheel', WM_KEYDOWN : 'key down', 99 WM_KEYUP : 'key up', WM_CHAR : 'key char', WM_DEADCHAR : 'key dead char', 100 WM_SYSKEYDOWN : 'key sys down', WM_SYSKEYUP : 'key sys up', 101 WM_SYSCHAR : 'key sys char', WM_SYSDEADCHAR : 'key sys dead char'} 102
103 - def MsgToName(cls, msg):
104 ''' 105 Class method. Converts a message value to message name. 106 107 @param msg: Keyboard or mouse event message 108 @type msg: integer 109 @return: Name of the event 110 @rtype: string 111 ''' 112 return HookConstants.msg_to_name.get(msg)
114 - def VKeyToID(cls, vkey):
115 ''' 116 Class method. Converts a virtual keycode name to its value. 117 118 @param vkey: Virtual keycode name 119 @type vkey: string 120 @return: Virtual keycode value 121 @rtype: integer 122 ''' 123 return HookConstants.vk_to_id.get(vkey)
125 - def IDToName(cls, code):
126 ''' 127 Class method. Gets the keycode name for the given value. 128 129 @param code: Virtual keycode value 130 @type code: integer 131 @return: Virtual keycode name 132 @rtype: string 133 ''' 134 if (code >= 0x30 and code <= 0x39) or (code >= 0x41 and code <= 0x5A): 135 text = chr(code) 136 else: 137 text = HookConstants.id_to_vk.get(code) 138 if text is not None: 139 text = text[3:].title() 140 return text
141 142 MsgToName=classmethod(MsgToName) 143 IDToName=classmethod(IDToName) 144 VKeyToID=classmethod(VKeyToID)
146 -class HookEvent(object):
147 ''' 148 Holds information about a general hook event. 149 150 @ivar Message: Keyboard or mouse event message 151 @type Message: integer 152 @ivar Time: Seconds since the epoch when the even current 153 @type Time: integer 154 @ivar Window: Window handle of the foreground window at the time of the event 155 @type Window: integer 156 @ivar WindowName: Name of the foreground window at the time of the event 157 @type WindowName: string 158 '''
159 - def __init__(self, msg, time, hwnd, window_name):
160 '''Initializes an event instance.''' 161 self.Message = msg 162 self.Time = time 163 self.Window = hwnd 164 self.WindowName = window_name
166 - def GetMessageName(self):
167 ''' 168 @return: Name of the event 169 @rtype: string 170 ''' 171 return HookConstants.MsgToName(self.Message)
172 MessageName = property(fget=GetMessageName)
174 -class MouseEvent(HookEvent):
175 ''' 176 Holds information about a mouse event. 177 178 @ivar Position: Location of the mouse event on the screen 179 @type Position: 2-tuple of integer 180 @ivar Wheel: Positive if the wheel scrolls up, negative if down, zero otherwise 181 @type Wheel: integer 182 @ivar Injected: Was this event generated programmatically? 183 @type Injected: boolean 184 '''
185 - def __init__(self, msg, x, y, data, flags, time, hwnd, window_name):
186 '''Initializes an instance of the class.''' 187 HookEvent.__init__(self, msg, time, hwnd, window_name) 188 self.Position = (x,y) 189 if data > 0: w = 1 190 elif data < 0: w = -1 191 else: w = 0 192 self.Wheel = w 193 self.Injected = flags & 0x01
195 -class KeyboardEvent(HookEvent):
196 ''' 197 Holds information about a mouse event. 198 199 @ivar KeyID: Virtual key code 200 @type KeyID: integer 201 @ivar ScanCode: Scan code 202 @type ScanCode: integer 203 @ivar Ascii: ASCII value, if one exists 204 @type Ascii: string 205 '''
206 - def __init__(self, msg, vk_code, scan_code, ascii, flags, time, hwnd, window_name):
207 '''Initializes an instances of the class.''' 208 HookEvent.__init__(self, msg, time, hwnd, window_name) 209 self.KeyID = vk_code 210 self.ScanCode = scan_code 211 self.Ascii = ascii 212 self.flags = flags
214 - def GetKey(self):
215 ''' 216 @return: Name of the virtual keycode 217 @rtype: string 218 ''' 219 return HookConstants.IDToName(self.KeyID)
221 - def IsExtended(self):
222 ''' 223 @return: Is this an extended key? 224 @rtype: boolean 225 ''' 226 return self.flags & 0x01
228 - def IsInjected(self):
229 ''' 230 @return: Was this event generated programmatically? 231 @rtype: boolean 232 ''' 233 return self.flags & 0x10
235 - def IsAlt(self):
236 ''' 237 @return: Was the alt key depressed? 238 @rtype: boolean 239 ''' 240 return self.flags & 0x20
242 - def IsTransition(self):
243 ''' 244 @return: Is this a transition from up to down or vice versa? 245 @rtype: boolean 246 ''' 247 return self.flags & 0x80
248 249 Key = property(fget=GetKey) 250 Extended = property(fget=IsExtended) 251 Injected = property(fget=IsInjected) 252 Alt = property(fget=IsAlt) 253 Transition = property(fget=IsTransition)
255 -class HookManager(object):
256 ''' 257 Registers and manages callbacks for low level mouse and keyboard events. 258 259 @ivar mouse_funcs: Callbacks for mouse events 260 @type mouse_funcs: dictionary 261 @ivar keyboard_funcs: Callbacks for keyboard events 262 @type keyboard_funcs: dictionary 263 @ivar mouse_hook: Is a mouse hook set? 264 @type mouse_hook: boolean 265 @ivar key_hook: Is a keyboard hook set? 266 @type key_hook: boolean 267 '''
268 - def __init__(self):
269 '''Initializes an instance by setting up an empty set of handlers.''' 270 self.mouse_funcs = {} 271 self.keyboard_funcs = {} 272 273 self.mouse_hook = False 274 self.key_hook = False
276 - def __del__(self):
277 '''Unhook all registered hooks.''' 278 self.UnhookMouse() 279 self.UnhookKeyboard()
281 - def HookMouse(self):
282 '''Begins watching for mouse events.''' 283 cpyHook.cSetHook(HookConstants.WH_MOUSE_LL, self.MouseSwitch) 284 self.mouse_hook = True
286 - def HookKeyboard(self):
287 '''Begins watching for keyboard events.''' 288 cpyHook.cSetHook(HookConstants.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, self.KeyboardSwitch) 289 self.keyboard_hook = True
291 - def UnhookMouse(self):
292 '''Stops watching for mouse events.''' 293 if self.mouse_hook: 294 cpyHook.cUnhook(HookConstants.WH_MOUSE_LL) 295 self.mouse_hook = False
297 - def UnhookKeyboard(self):
298 '''Stops watching for keyboard events.''' 299 if self.keyboard_hook: 300 cpyHook.cUnhook(HookConstants.WH_KEYBOARD_LL) 301 self.keyboard_hook = False
303 - def MouseSwitch(self, msg, x, y, data, flags, time, hwnd, window_name):
304 ''' 305 Passes a mouse event on to the appropriate handler if one is registered. 306 307 @param msg: Message value 308 @type msg: integer 309 @param x: x-coordinate of the mouse event 310 @type x: integer 311 @param y: y-coordinate of the mouse event 312 @type y: integer 313 @param data: Data associated with the mouse event (scroll information) 314 @type data: integer 315 @param flags: Flags associated with the mouse event (injected or not) 316 @type flags: integer 317 @param time: Seconds since the epoch when the even current 318 @type time: integer 319 @param hwnd: Window handle of the foreground window at the time of the event 320 @type hwnd: integer 321 ''' 322 event = MouseEvent(msg, x, y, data, flags, time, hwnd, window_name) 323 func = self.mouse_funcs.get(msg) 324 if func: 325 return func(event) 326 else: 327 return True
329 - def KeyboardSwitch(self, msg, vk_code, scan_code, ascii, flags, time, hwnd, win_name):
330 ''' 331 Passes a keyboard event on to the appropriate handler if one is registered. 332 333 @param msg: Message value 334 @type msg: integer 335 @param vk_code: The virtual keycode of the key 336 @type vk_code: integer 337 @param scan_code: The scan code of the key 338 @type scan_code: integer 339 @param ascii: ASCII numeric value for the key if available 340 @type ascii: integer 341 @param flags: Flags associated with the key event (injected or not, extended key, etc.) 342 @type flags: integer 343 @param time: Time since the epoch of the key event 344 @type time: integer 345 @param hwnd: Window handle of the foreground window at the time of the event 346 @type hwnd: integer 347 ''' 348 event = KeyboardEvent(msg, vk_code, scan_code, ascii, flags, time, hwnd, win_name) 349 func = self.keyboard_funcs.get(msg) 350 if func: 351 return func(event) 352 else: 353 return True
355 - def SubscribeMouseMove(self, func):
356 ''' 357 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 358 MouseMove property as a shortcut. 359 360 @param func: Callback function 361 @type func: callable 362 ''' 363 if func is None: 364 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MOUSEMOVE) 365 else: 366 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MOUSEMOVE, func)
368 - def SubscribeMouseLeftUp(self, func):
369 ''' 370 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 371 MouseLeftUp property as a shortcut. 372 373 @param func: Callback function 374 @type func: callable 375 ''' 376 if func is None: 377 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONUP) 378 else: 379 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONUP, func)
381 - def SubscribeMouseLeftDown(self, func):
382 ''' 383 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 384 MouseLeftDown property as a shortcut. 385 386 @param func: Callback function 387 @type func: callable 388 ''' 389 if func is None: 390 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONDOWN) 391 else: 392 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, func)
394 - def SubscribeMouseLeftDbl(self, func):
395 ''' 396 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 397 MouseLeftDbl property as a shortcut. 398 399 @param func: Callback function 400 @type func: callable 401 ''' 402 if func is None: 403 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) 404 else: 405 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, func)
407 - def SubscribeMouseRightUp(self, func):
408 ''' 409 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 410 MouseRightUp property as a shortcut. 411 412 @param func: Callback function 413 @type func: callable 414 ''' 415 if func is None: 416 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONUP) 417 else: 418 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONUP, func)
420 - def SubscribeMouseRightDown(self, func):
421 ''' 422 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 423 MouseRightDown property as a shortcut. 424 425 @param func: Callback function 426 @type func: callable 427 ''' 428 if func is None: 429 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONDOWN) 430 else: 431 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONDOWN, func)
433 - def SubscribeMouseRightDbl(self, func):
434 ''' 435 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 436 MouseRightDbl property as a shortcut. 437 438 @param func: Callback function 439 @type func: callable 440 ''' 441 if func is None: 442 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) 443 else: 444 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK, func)
446 - def SubscribeMouseMiddleUp(self, func):
447 ''' 448 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 449 MouseMiddleUp property as a shortcut. 450 451 @param func: Callback function 452 @type func: callable 453 ''' 454 if func is None: 455 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONUP) 456 else: 457 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONUP, func)
459 - def SubscribeMouseMiddleDown(self, func):
460 ''' 461 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 462 MouseMiddleDown property as a shortcut. 463 464 @param func: Callback function 465 @type func: callable 466 ''' 467 if func is None: 468 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONDOWN) 469 else: 470 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONDOWN, func)
472 - def SubscribeMouseMiddleDbl(self, func):
473 ''' 474 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 475 MouseMiddleDbl property as a shortcut. 476 477 @param func: Callback function 478 @type func: callable 479 ''' 480 if func is None: 481 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) 482 else: 483 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK, func)
485 - def SubscribeMouseWheel(self, func):
486 ''' 487 Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the 488 MouseWheel property as a shortcut. 489 490 @param func: Callback function 491 @type func: callable 492 ''' 493 if func is None: 494 self.disconnect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MOUSEWHEEL) 495 else: 496 self.connect(self.mouse_funcs, HookConstants.WM_MOUSEWHEEL, func)
498 - def SubscribeMouseAll(self, func):
499 ''' 500 Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse events. Use the 501 MouseAll property as a shortcut. 502 503 @param func: Callback function 504 @type func: callable 505 ''' 506 self.SubscribeMouseMove(func) 507 self.SubscribeMouseWheel(func) 508 self.SubscribeMouseAllButtons(func)
510 - def SubscribeMouseAllButtons(self, func):
511 ''' 512 Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button events. Use the 513 MouseButtonAll property as a shortcut. 514 515 @param func: Callback function 516 @type func: callable 517 ''' 518 self.SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDown(func) 519 self. SubscribeMouseAllButtonsUp(func) 520 self.SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDbl(func)
522 - def SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDown(self, func):
523 ''' 524 Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button down events. 525 Use the MouseAllButtonsDown property as a shortcut. 526 527 @param func: Callback function 528 @type func: callable 529 ''' 530 self.SubscribeMouseLeftDown(func) 531 self.SubscribeMouseRightDown(func) 532 self.SubscribeMouseMiddleDown(func)
534 - def SubscribeMouseAllButtonsUp(self, func):
535 ''' 536 Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button up events. 537 Use the MouseAllButtonsUp property as a shortcut. 538 539 @param func: Callback function 540 @type func: callable 541 ''' 542 self.SubscribeMouseLeftUp(func) 543 self.SubscribeMouseRightUp(func) 544 self.SubscribeMouseMiddleUp(func)
546 - def SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDbl(self, func):
547 ''' 548 Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button double click 549 events. Use the MouseAllButtonsDbl property as a shortcut. 550 551 @param func: Callback function 552 @type func: callable 553 ''' 554 self.SubscribeMouseLeftDbl(func) 555 self.SubscribeMouseRightDbl(func) 556 self.SubscribeMouseMiddleDbl(func)
558 - def SubscribeKeyDown(self, func):
559 ''' 560 Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. 561 Use the KeyDown property as a shortcut. 562 563 @param func: Callback function 564 @type func: callable 565 ''' 566 if func is None: 567 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_KEYDOWN) 568 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) 569 else: 570 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_KEYDOWN, func) 571 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, func)
573 - def SubscribeKeyUp(self, func):
574 ''' 575 Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. 576 Use the KeyUp property as a shortcut. 577 578 @param func: Callback function 579 @type func: callable 580 ''' 581 if func is None: 582 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_KEYUP) 583 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSKEYUP) 584 else: 585 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_KEYUP, func) 586 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSKEYUP, func)
588 - def SubscribeKeyChar(self, func):
589 ''' 590 Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. 591 Use the KeyChar property as a shortcut. 592 593 B{Note}: this is currently non-functional, no WM_*CHAR messages are 594 processed by the keyboard hook. 595 596 @param func: Callback function 597 @type func: callable 598 ''' 599 if func is None: 600 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_CHAR) 601 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_DEADCHAR) 602 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSCHAR) 603 self.disconnect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSDEADCHAR) 604 else: 605 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_CHAR, func) 606 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_DEADCHAR, func) 607 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSCHAR, func) 608 self.connect(self.keyboard_funcs, HookConstants.WM_SYSDEADCHAR, func)
610 - def SubscribeKeyAll(self, func):
611 ''' 612 Registers the given function as the callback for all keyboard events. 613 Use the KeyAll property as a shortcut. 614 615 @param func: Callback function 616 @type func: callable 617 ''' 618 self.SubscribeKeyDown(func) 619 self.SubscribeKeyUp(func) 620 self.SubscribeKeyChar(func)
621 622 MouseAll = property(fset=SubscribeMouseAll) 623 MouseAllButtons = property(fset=SubscribeMouseAllButtons) 624 MouseAllButtonsUp = property(fset=SubscribeMouseAllButtonsUp) 625 MouseAllButtonsDown = property(fset=SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDown) 626 MouseAllButtonsDbl = property(fset=SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDbl) 627 628 MouseWheel = property(fset=SubscribeMouseWheel) 629 MouseMove = property(fset=SubscribeMouseMove) 630 MouseLeftUp = property(fset=SubscribeMouseLeftUp) 631 MouseLeftDown = property(fset=SubscribeMouseLeftDown) 632 MouseLeftDbl = property(fset=SubscribeMouseLeftDbl) 633 MouseRightUp = property(fset=SubscribeMouseRightUp) 634 MouseRightDown = property(fset=SubscribeMouseRightDown) 635 MouseRightDbl = property(fset=SubscribeMouseRightDbl) 636 MouseMiddleUp = property(fset=SubscribeMouseMiddleUp) 637 MouseMiddleDown = property(fset=SubscribeMouseMiddleDown) 638 MouseMiddleDbl = property(fset=SubscribeMouseMiddleDbl) 639 640 KeyUp = property(fset=SubscribeKeyUp) 641 KeyDown = property(fset=SubscribeKeyDown) 642 KeyChar = property(fset=SubscribeKeyChar) 643 KeyAll = property(fset=SubscribeKeyAll) 644
645 - def connect(self, switch, id, func):
646 ''' 647 Registers a callback to the given function for the event with the given ID in the 648 provided dictionary. Internal use only. 649 650 @param switch: Collection of callbacks 651 @type switch: dictionary 652 @param id: Event type 653 @type id: integer 654 @param func: Callback function 655 @type func: callable 656 ''' 657 switch[id] = func
659 - def disconnect(self, switch, id):
660 ''' 661 Unregisters a callback for the event with the given ID in the provided dictionary. 662 Internal use only. 663 664 @param switch: Collection of callbacks 665 @type switch: dictionary 666 @param id: Event type 667 @type id: integer 668 ''' 669 try: 670 del switch[id] 671 except: 672 pass