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object --+ | HookManager
Registers and manages callbacks for low level mouse and keyboard events.
Inherited from |
MouseAll = property(fset= SubscribeMouseAll)
MouseAllButtons = property(fset= SubscribeMouseAllButtons)
MouseAllButtonsUp = property(fset= SubscribeMouseAllButtonsUp)
MouseAllButtonsDown = property(fset= SubscribeMouseAllButtonsD
MouseAllButtonsDbl = property(fset= SubscribeMouseAllButtonsDbl)
MouseWheel = property(fset= SubscribeMouseWheel)
MouseMove = property(fset= SubscribeMouseMove)
MouseLeftUp = property(fset= SubscribeMouseLeftUp)
MouseLeftDown = property(fset= SubscribeMouseLeftDown)
MouseLeftDbl = property(fset= SubscribeMouseLeftDbl)
MouseRightUp = property(fset= SubscribeMouseRightUp)
MouseRightDown = property(fset= SubscribeMouseRightDown)
MouseRightDbl = property(fset= SubscribeMouseRightDbl)
MouseMiddleUp = property(fset= SubscribeMouseMiddleUp)
MouseMiddleDown = property(fset= SubscribeMouseMiddleDown)
MouseMiddleDbl = property(fset= SubscribeMouseMiddleDbl)
KeyUp = property(fset= SubscribeKeyUp)
KeyDown = property(fset= SubscribeKeyDown)
KeyChar = property(fset= SubscribeKeyChar)
KeyAll = property(fset= SubscribeKeyAll)
Inherited from |
Initializes an instance by setting up an empty set of handlers.
Passes a mouse event on to the appropriate handler if one is registered.
Passes a keyboard event on to the appropriate handler if one is registered.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseMove property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseLeftUp property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseLeftDown property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseLeftDbl property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseRightUp property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseRightDown property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseRightDbl property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseMiddleUp property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseMiddleDown property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseMiddleDbl property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this mouse event type. Use the MouseWheel property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse events. Use the MouseAll property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button events. Use the MouseButtonAll property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button down events. Use the MouseAllButtonsDown property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button up events. Use the MouseAllButtonsUp property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for all mouse button double click events. Use the MouseAllButtonsDbl property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. Use the KeyDown property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. Use the KeyUp property as a shortcut.
Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. Use the KeyChar property as a shortcut. Note: this is currently non-functional, no WM_*CHAR messages are processed by the keyboard hook.
Registers the given function as the callback for all keyboard events. Use the KeyAll property as a shortcut.
Registers a callback to the given function for the event with the given ID in the provided dictionary. Internal use only.
Unregisters a callback for the event with the given ID in the provided dictionary. Internal use only.
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